Debug.Log (“Hello World”);

EvilKitchen Games
EvilKitchen Games
One of the early Udemy course projects.

Hooray!  I’ve apparently decided to set the tone of this blog by using a cliché development blog opener.

To be honest though, most of what I do here is largely going to be retreading what others who’ve come before me have done.  I don’t expect there to be anything new or ground breaking here.  The purpose of this blog, at least initially, is to be my own personal sounding board for the projects I’m working on.  As a solo developer, I find it very useful to put down in words things I’m trying to learn so that I can (hopefully) reconfirm that I understand them.

Once I get into blogging about the actual game I’ll eventually develop things will get marginally more interesting as I’ll be treading new-ish ground at that point.  I plan on leaving the comments section open which isn’t something I’ve done with my previous blogs, but they will require pre-approval before appearing here.  I’m not a crazy person!  I’ll try my best to be transparent and post even the negative stuff , but I have heard that gamer feedback can go beyond “negative” so we’ll see how that goes…

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